🚧 Announcing FTP Support For Landing Pages Announcing FTP Support For Landing Pages


Upload Landing Pages Made Easy

Picture of Hiren Shah
Hiren Shah


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File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Support

We are excited to announce a brand new feature on Anstrex platform. Now, you can directly upload your landing pages and associated content from our server directly to your hosting account using FTP.

Almost all major hosting providers such as GoDaddy, HostGator, 1&1, A2Hosting etc. provide its users FTP access to upload the content to the web hosting server using cpanel. If you are on a self-managed hosting account, you can easily install an FTP server and set up an FTP account yourself. In either case, setting up an FTP account is pretty straight forward. Once you have the FTP credentials handy, setting it up on Anstrex is fairly easy. Here are the 4 easy steps required for this process

  1. Integrate and verify your FTP account on Anstrex
  2. Select a default folder for uploading your content
  3. After you download and customize a landing page using our landing page ripping tool, you will have an option to upload the page on your hosting account using FTP
  4. Just select the FTP account and click on the deploy button to move your customized landing page to your server and it is ready to receive the traffic.

For a complete video demonstration, please take a look at this FTP upload tutorial on our knowledgebase.

FYI, this feature is available on our native ads spy tool as well as push notifications spy tool.

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