🚧 Beginner Affiliate? Use the Country-Focused Technique Beginner Affiliate? Use the Country-Focused Technique


Picture of Jairene Cruz
Jairene Cruz


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Are you a beginner affiliate who don't know where to begin? Does everything feel overwhelming for you? If you are pulling out your hair because of information overload, let us make this simpler for you. There are several great techniques for beginner affiliates to utilize, and this is one of them. Read on.

The Country-centric Technique

In simple terms, this technique tells you to focus on one country. There are a multitude of offers for various countries out there, so focusing on one location can make you an expert in that area.

Let's begin.

Step 1: Choose a Country

You may be tempted to choose US, UK or CA. These are the usual choices because they are English-speaking countries and the offers for these countries usually have high payouts. But since these are typical choices, they are also highly competitive.

This means the cost of driving traffic to these locations are very high. You might end up burning through your budget with not enough conversions to keep you going. Worse, you might end up not getting any useful data at all. The same goes for other first tier countries such as New Zealand, France, Denmark and more.

Likewise, offers for Tier 1 countries have stricter regulations. If you are new to affiliate marketing, understanding some of the requirements may be hard for you (especially the technical ones), so it would be best to leave these countries for when you have more experience.

Choose countries that belong to either Tier 2 or Tier 3. Tier 2 countries are more affordable and can be targeted using various types of traffic. When it comes to conversions and payouts, they are on the median range. Really creative advertisers are able to earn thousands from this tier. Traffic volume is high even with medium competition.

Tier 3 countries are said to be the cheapest traffic you can get. However, there aren't much offers for them and when there are, payouts are a bit low. But then again, if you know how to find an angle for these countries, they can prove to be profitable for you.

Check this country tier list by PropellerAds to guide you.


To give you an idea about how competitive a country is, head over to your Anstrex account and filter the ads based on country.

If you want to know whether the offers have been profitable for the affiliate, adjust the ad gravity, ad strength and days running.

Step Two: Filter based on your Affiliate Network

Some people skip this part and quickly jump to finding profitable offers offers based on the chosen country using the spy tool. But the problem with that is you might end up wasting time. Let's say you are able to narrow down to the best offers you want to promote, only to find out that you don't belong to any of the networks where these offers are available, nor can you find the same offers from the network you belong to.

Sure, you can always apply to those networks, but how long before you are approved? And sometimes if you have no previous experience at all, these networks might not even let you in.

Since you are only beginning your journey, might as well stick to affiliate networks that have already accepted you. If there are only a handful of offers showing up in the spy tool for you country of choice, don't be disheartened. You can check your affiliate networks directly for offers they have for your chosen location.

Step Three: Group the Offers According to the Vertical

If there are many offers for your country, it would be best to group them according to their niche. You can group them like this:

  • Pin Submits
  • App Installs
  • Sweeps
  • Anti-virus
  • Dating
  • Business & Finance
  • Gaming
  • Health & Fitness

These are just some sample groups. You can have more based on what offers are available for your country.

Now, if you have a lot of budget to use for testing, you can test all these verticals. However, if you just have a modest budget, it would be best to choose two or three verticals to start with.

Step Four: Find 2-3 Landing Pages and Ad Creatives per Vertical

If you read affiliate guru guides, they will almost always say you should have a landing page. Why? Because it serves two purposes: one, it warms up your audience towards the offer; and two, it increases the quality of your conversions.

The better the quality of your traffic, the higher the chances of the advertiser bumping up your payout and increasing your limit.

Don't worry if you don't have any idea on how to create a landing page. Here at Anstrex, when you find a landing page you want to copy, you can simply Download and Deploy it to your server. You can even have it cleaned and edited using our WYSIWYG editor. Use the same editor to apply your own affiliate link to the landing page.

When it comes to the ad creatives, make sure they match the language of the country you are trying to target. You can also use your competitor's creatives based on what you see in the spy tool.

The key here is to find a winning offer and be an expert in promoting it, not in trying everything all at once.

Step Five: Choose the Traffic Type

This one would greatly depend on what types of traffic are accepted for all the offers in a vertical. If one offer within the vertical you want to promote does not allow a specific traffic, let's say pop traffic, don't promote there even when the rest accept that. Go with what is accepted for all. Once you find an offer that converts, you can go ahead and try other traffic types.

The key here is to find a winning offer and be an expert in promoting it, not in trying everything all at once.

Push notification ads and native display ads get the best click-thru rates in the market, so we suggest starting there.

Step Six: Initiate the Preliminary Testing

Now is the time to start your campaigns. This is the first testing phase. The purpose of this phase is to find offers that convert, even if they are not yet profitable. After all, this is broad targeting. You will narrow down the traffic later.

Follow these basic guidelines during your testing phase:

  • Bid below the Recommended Bid

Many traffic networks give you a recommended bid which, based on their algorithm, will deliver a lot of traffic to your campaigns. However, this can burn through your budget quickly. You can start below the recommended bid, or even at the lowest bid. If there is traffic, go with it. If there's none, adjust the bid until you see traffic coming in.

For some networks, a low bid may mean you will get low quality traffic. However, you can go for the recommended bid once you find a winning offer.

  • Monitor the costs and traffic

Make sure to monitor your campaigns to see if they are receiving enough traffic, or if they are spending too quickly. If your ads are spending too quickly, you can reduce the bid. However, it is also alright to receive a lot of traffic at the onset so you can quickly decide which offer you can work with.

Also, have a look if any publisher ID, user ID, publisher website, etc. hog most of the traffic without converting. You'd want to pause those before they eat up all your budget.

  • Pause when budget threshold has been reached

The simple rule of thumb when thinking of how much to spend per offer is this:

Offer payout x 10

Even if you have two or three landing pages for the same offer, make sure you use this basic quota. Now this is per offer, not per grouped vertical.

Step Seven: Find Converting Offers

Once the preliminary testing phase is done, look for offers that converted more than once. Check which landing pages produced the conversions. If the conversions are equally divided between your landing pages, you would need to test this more.

Look into other aspects of the conversions such as devices, time of conversion, ad creatives, etc. Sometimes, the conversions are distributed among various attributes. Again, this means you will have to test more.

Other offers that received only one or no conversions will be eliminated from further testing. Also, if one vertical has no offers that converted more than once, it's time to drop that vertical and focus on the converting ones.

Step Eight: Test the Offers with Potential

As you may have noticed, we indicated "test" again. Why? Because the offers that you found with potential is still just that at the moment -- with potential. This next part will be focused on finding which segments perform best for the offer.

Make sure you test your landers again (and add new ones if you like). Monitor which attributes have high conversion rates such as location (city), time of day, day of the week, device, IP, browser and more.

There is a big chance that you will still not earn from this phase, but your losses should just be around 20% to 40%. You can further reduce this loss the more you get conversions and the better you become at optimizing.


Once you have found an offer that has profitable offer, you can then scale by trying other traffic sources for the same traffic type. By following these steps above, you will not only be able to find a winning offer -- you will also develop your affiliate marketing skills! Although you will really have to spend money at the onset, think of it as an investment for your personal growth as an affiliate marketer.

What are you waiting for? Test it now!

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