🚧 Engage More Users with These 6 Native Ads Tips Engage More Users with These 6 Native Ads Tips


Picture of Jairene Cruz
Jairene Cruz


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You've finally found the right offer, and you already have enough funds to run your native ads campaigns. But something's wrong. You're getting tons of impressions but no clicks. And with no clicks also means one thing -- zero sales! What's the next step? Should you quit? If you've been in the affiliate marketing business for a while now, you would know that quitting is not the answer -- testing is! To make things easier for you, we've put together a list of ways to improve engagement to your native ads.

6 Ways to Get More Clicks on Your Native Ads

If you need to place photos of people, choose one that depicts them as laughing, screaming or crying.

1. Use an Image with Emotional Appeal

Images capture a person’s attention much more than text, so you have to use an image that would really compel users to click on your ad. If you need to place photos of people, choose one that depicts them as laughing, screaming or crying.

If you are using images of items, these should invoke a certain emotion for them as well. It can be something that would make them feel happy or sad, or even make them say "what the f---!".

Of course, the contents of your landing page must reflect the image that you have used in order to provide a good user experience. Some examples of emotional images used in native ads are as follows:

2. Be Creative in Your Angle

When the usual approach has already been played out, you have to think of a fresh way to present the same offer. The beauty of copywriting is that your imagination is the limit!

For instance, you want to promote a trading tool. The user has a potential to earn lots of money, but the "earn $XXXX from home" angle has seen better days. What do you do? If your target market are working family men, you can go after the "wife has a secret" angle. And when they click on the ad, they find out that the secret the wife has been keeping from his husband is that she is earning a lot of money through trading!

The technique in getting creative in your angle is to know who exactly your audience is. Once you do, all you have to do is play around their curiosity to get clicks.

3. Show Before and After Images

If you are promoting something that would change your user's current state, such as an anti-aging product or a weight loss product, using before and after images work great. This is actually a classic way of promoting products, but it still works.

4. Convey Urgency

Make it time-bound. Although you can't include a countdown to your ad, you can always influence the user to hurry up and get it or watch it now. You can do this by saying something like:

  • hurry before this gets taken down
  • for one night only
  • 3 hours left before this disappears forever

5. Make the Ad Content Mysterious

Don’t give everything away in your title and description. You can say something like “the secret solution” or “this simple trick” to compel the user to click on the ad to find out what it’s all about.

Write it so the only way to find out about this secret is by clicking on the native ad. Just make you follow through by providing the information that you are teasing them about. This ensures good user experience.

6. Add Shock Value

Make people say "what??!"

This emotion will drive them to click on your ad, else they will go crazy. A combination on text and image will make this work. This style works for finance and business offers such as Crypto and Forex. Such exaggerated ads also work great for content pieces.


The trick to creating compelling copy for native ads is to learn more about your target audience. Once you know who they are, what their interests are, what pushes them to the edge, it will be easier to create ads that would not only drive more traffic to your content, but also get you more conversions.

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