🚧 Most Popular Traffic Platforms of 2022 Most Popular Traffic Platforms of 2022

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Picture of Dan Smith
Dan Smith


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Summer is already over, the last warm money is slowly flowing into the past, and autumn is coming, not so warm, but very profitable for webmasters.

A great time to buy in all traffic arbitrage verticals and to get started, all that remains is to prepare for the bay and get on the wave of trends. We will gradually bring you up to date and today's topic of discussion will be traffic sources. Which of them are the most popular at the moment? Which ones are convenient and profitable to work with?


Facebook Ads Still Excellent Targeted Traffic Source

In general terms, this is a pretty good source of traffic that offers literally billions of audiences. Here you can definitely find your customers and this is only a small part of the advantages of the social network:

  1. Adaptability to any advertising campaign. There are several varieties of them at once for different types of offers, audience and the desired design of ads.
  2. Detailed targeting. Hundreds of interests and target audience filters allow you to highlight only those potential customers who really want to purchase the product.
  3. You can fill up with small budgets. This plus, of course, works with a big stretch, since a lot depends on GEO, reach, and other parameters that affect the rate.

At the same time, this is one of the most difficult sources of traffic and several things make it:

  1. Moderation. The main drawback of the platform, which only continues to get tougher every year. You can fly into the ban even when working with white offers and well-prepared consumables. The reasons for blocking are not explained and you can easily lose not just time or part of the budget, but the entire profile for the bay.
  2. The complexity of the interface. A large number of opportunities that the platform functionality gives, you still need to be able to use. Moreover, if it is not necessary to use them in other traffic sources and you can create an advertising campaign in a couple of clicks, then here in this case you will simply drain the budget. Therefore, for beginners, this is one of the last sources from where to start the path to traffic arbitrage.
  3. Limits at startup. Even if the work is not carried out with black/ gray traffic, then you have to spend time and money on withdrawing the spend. Moreover, you will have to maneuver between allowable costs, because if you pour several thousand dollars into the Republic of Kazakhstan in the first days, then it will simply be blocked without explanation.
  4. Lack of technical support. It exists purely formally, but in practice, support will be useless for a webmaster. Most often, problems with ads and blocking are associated with artificial intelligence, which, depending on the user's trust level, decides whether to impose restrictions on the profile or not. Well, of course, if a black/ gray offer is noticed under the cloaca, then even without support it is clear why they were banned.

Tik Tok

Most Untapped Traffic Source of 2022 - Tik Tok Ads

One of the most hype traffic sources of recent years. The audience here is constantly growing and that is why more and more webmasters are trying to work with the social network. As for the advantages of the site, they are as follows:

  1. Loyal moderation. Firstly, it generally does not set itself the goal of finding something to ban a user for. Blocking is given for the most understandable violations. Secondly, if the ads are turned for revision, then the comments indicate what exactly the moderators did not like.
  2. Ability to avoid additional costs for pre-landing. Some types of advertising campaigns can be run without a pre-lander, because in such situations the main focus is usually on creativity.
  3. Distribution of offers according to the degree of permission. If other social networks do not say exactly what is not allowed and what is possible (except for the most obvious type of 18+ content, of course), then there is a clear division into white and black offers. For the second account flies to the block.
  4. Audience loyalty. In addition to the fact that it is generally very large here, people trust the social network and therefore react to almost any advertisement either neutrally or positively. This is especially true for new unreleased GEOs and offers.

At the same time, we note that the moderation of the platform is constantly changing and the situation with ads can be different from time to time. Also, do not forget that the TikTok audience is mainly made up of users 25-35 years old. Often they like to buy all sorts of weight loss products, skin rejuvenation preparations and other youth products.

Google Ads

Google Ads - Perennial Traffic Source

First of all, this is the best option for launching contextual advertising to a bourgeois audience. A lot of custom settings and wide reach are the main advantages of the traffic source, allowing you to create the perfect RK with the same good conversion. In addition, we note the following advantages:

  1. Possibility of both manual and automatic start. If desired, ready-made creatives, product descriptions, images, and other ad components can be fed to the algorithms. Further, AI will independently compose an advertisement from these components and will, again, adjust it to the desired audience. This is an ideal option for those people who are just starting to explore the direction of traffic arbitrage.
  2. At the same time, for experienced affiliates, all campaign parameters can be configured in custom mode. Separately, you can highlight the targeting settings, of which there are a lot and the workflow can easily be adjusted to any offer.
  3. Fast moderation. Here you do not need to bother with spends, there are much fewer problems with trust, and already in the first hours you can turn off a certain part of the traffic.
  4. Ability to track the progress of the advertising campaign in detail. Even without connecting trackers and third-party services, Google Ads automatically generates reports on promoted offers. With it, you can easily track the most profitable ad, optimize ads in time, and summarize the results of the work done.

Of the minuses of the source, we note only the difficulty of launching the promotion, but again, if you wish, everything can be done in an automatic format. If you want to do everything by yourself, then before that, be sure to figure out the settings and pay special attention to negative keywords.

Bing Ads

Bing Ads - Cheapest of All but Still Lucrative

At first glance, the source does not seem particularly interesting, because it contains only 5% of online advertising in the world. On the other hand, it is actively developing and has a lot of advantages:

  1. More than 50,000,000 solvent audience that can pull an offer of any value.
  2. Relatively low cost of targeted actions. Compared to competing sources, the cost of leads here is 2 times lower, which allows you to significantly save the budget and invest it, for example, in expanding coverage.
  3. Simple interface. Basically, it is similar to Google Ads and even an advertising campaign from it can be transferred to Bing Ads. In other words, if you have worked with contextual advertising at least once, then there will definitely not be any problems.
  4. Customizable ad placement. Here you decide whether to promote the offer only through search or through partner sites, place ads at the bottom or top of the pages.

At the same time, the traffic source has its drawbacks:

  1. Lack of GEO. At the moment, Bing only works with 35 GEOs, but most of them are economically developed and therefore suitable for the bay.
  2. Limited interface localization. Now only 12 languages ​​are available for work.
  3. Limited in terms of ad formats. Essentially, partner sites and search are all that Bing Ads has to offer. At the same Google, maps, applications, and YouTube are also available for placement.


We have analyzed the most popular sources in terms of traffic, discussed their advantages and disadvantages, and now you can confidently follow them and get the maximum profit from the PC.

By the way, if you are looking for a profitable affiliate program that supports all of the above sources and even more, feel free to contact AIVIX!

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