🚧 Now You Can Spy On In-Page Push Notification Ads Now You Can Spy On In-Page Push Notification Ads


Spy On Your Competitors' Inpagepush Ads

Picture of Dan Smith
Dan Smith


Are You Spying on Your Competitors' Ad Campaigns?

Our tools monitor millions of native, push, pop, and TikTok advertising campaigns.

We have recently completed our integration of capturing in-page push notification ads into our Push Spy Tool. We can now capture in-page push ads served by over 15 different ad-networks serving ads from over 5,000 publisher sites. We are the first ad intelligence tool in the market to capture these new ad type and deliver it to our customers.

How Are Inpage Push Ads Delivered To The Customers?

In a nutshell, these ads mimic the behavior of a traditional push notification when the user is browsing a site that serves this type of ads. The following animated graphic shows the ad behavior very accurately:

Here are a couple of real life examples that show such ad units on a publisher site:

Why In-puge Push Ads?

As traditional web push notification technology has gained popularity, we have seen a rise in abusive behavior of this technology by quite a few players. The abuse includes serving too many ads, thereby, inundating the user and showing ads of malicious nature.

As a result, the traditional push notification ads have come under a lot of scrutiny and major browsing platform adopting a strong stance against it. For example, Chrome browser has already started taking action against this on their newer product releases. In the future, these counter-measures are expected to be more stringent and potentially could lead to a death blow to all kinds of push notification ads in general.

In contrast, inpage push ads are not subjected to these counter-measures as the ads are delivered within the web page with the help of a javascript running locally in the browser session. Therefore, the in-page push ad technology can serve as a fallback, in case the traditional push ad serving becomes significantly challenging in the future.

Pros & Cons of In-page Push Ads

As a quick recap, here are the key advantages and disadvantages of inpage push ads


  • Floating inpage push ads easily garners user attention, thereby, resulting in high CTR.
  • Cannot be banned or restricted by browser as the serving is within the page itself and controlled by local JS.
  • Flexibility in terms of ad-size, ad-styling, text length etc. as it is not limited by the browser api
  • More accurate audience interest targeting because it is served while a user is browsing a particular website


  • Improperly placed inpage push ads (for example near video player controls) can generate a lot of undesired clicks on the ad leading to poor ROI for the advertiser
  • Will only work when the user is browsing a particular page unlike traditional or classic push ads which can be served even when browser is not being used.
  • Can be more expensive than traditional push ads because of more accurate targeting options leading to bidding wars.

Our Coverage of In-Page Push Ads

We are currently covering 5,000+ publisher websites and scraping tens of thousands of ads every month from multiple ad-networks.

You can easily use a newly introduced "Type" filter to view In-page push ads on our user interface as shown below:

In addition, you can use the same filter on our advanced search.

For spying on targeting information, we are also providing you with publisher data for each individual ad and also at a campaign level as shown below:

Publisher Data For In-Push Ads

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and test out these new ad format while it is still hot.

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