🚧 Who are Top Advertisers and Publishers on Adnow? Who are Top Advertisers and Publishers on Adnow?


Get A Sneak Peek Into Adnow's Traffic

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Dan Smith


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Adnow is relatively a small native ad network when compared with networks such as Outbrain, Taboola, MGID, and Revcontent. The company, however, has a global presence in terms of its reach. The company is headquartered in the United Kingdom and has received $10 million in private equity funds according to crunchbase. The company employs less than 250 people.

Adnow Traffic Analytics

Presented below are some important statistics from adnow native advertising widgets. As you can see from the monthly volume charts, the network offers a moderate amount of traffic from tens of thousands of blogs and news/media sites.

The global reach pie chart clearly shows that the traffic is truly global with maximum amount of traffic from Indonesia. However, an advertiser can expect pretty decent traffic volume from most other countries from any region of the world. They are a truly global company in terms of their reach.

The doughnut chart shows the traffic distribution between desktop and mobile devices and as expected three quarter of traffic is generated via mobile devices. This is a trend with most major native ad networks as mobile devices have clearly taken over desktop based PCs.

Let's look at the most recent stats:

Adnow Advertisers and Publishers

Adnow primarily obtains its traffic from a variety of international blogs and news sites specializing in multitude of interests and subject matters. In addition, a lot of blogspot and blogger blogs are using adnow to monetize their content. Therefore, in theory, an advertiser should be able to target the visitors by specific interests. However, at this point adnow does not offer any such targeting.

Instead it offers what you may want to call as quality targeting where the advertiser can set the slider bar on the quality graph. Higher quality traffic, as expected, would have higher cpc and vice versa.

In addition, you can target by geo, device and specific publishers as well.

Considering the nature of the publishers, advertisers focused on content marketing usually thrive on adnow. In addition, you see advertisers promoting gaming, health and beauty products, financial products, physical products on adnow. For the best ROI, however, the pre-sale landing page needs to be rich in content.

Here are the top advertisers and publishers for adnow:

Top Adnow Publishers

Publisher Name Category Traffic
karpatinfo.net.ua News & Media 3.4%
gazzettadellasera.it News & Media 3.3%
turkcedublaj.club News & Media 2.2%
newsodmai.blogspot.com News & Media 2.2%
tvnovellas.blogspot.bg News & Media 1.9%
ixtiralar.com News & Media 1.8%
buka-laptop.blogspot.com News & Media 1.5%
netceleb.eu News & Media 1.5%

Top Adnow Advertisers

Advertiser Name Category Traffic
tryflirt.com Dating 3%
maria-luna-us.com Horoscope 2.9%
keitrecker.space Finance 2.9%
mentalmag.com News & Media 2.9%
viralstrawberry.com News & Media 2.7%
myhealthyblog.co Health 2%

Adnow CPC Bids & Technical Specifications

The minimum cpc bids on Adnow is at $0.001 However, you will not be able to get much traffic at these rates especially from tier 1 and tier 2 countries. Expect the bids to be in $0.1 to $0.50 per click depending on your target.

Here are detailed important specifications:

Image Size 200x200 px or larger
Max Headline Characters 40 characters
Recommended Minimum CPC Desktop $0.07
Recommended Minimum CPC Mobile $0.05
Recommended Minimum CPC Tablet $0.04
Minimum Budget $30
Location Targeting: Country, Quality Targeting
Device Targeting Desktop, Tablet (Android, iOS, Windows), Mobile (Android, iOS, Windows)
Maximum Ads Approved 40-50 Ads Per Account (No more than 10-15 ads per URL)
Annotations (Circles or Arrows Images) Allowed
Animations (GIFs) Allowed

Website: Adnow Main Page

Adnow Login: Adnow Login Page

Adnow Guidelines: Adnow Advertiser Guidelines

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