🚧 Who are Top Advertisers and Publishers on MSN Audience Network? Who are Top Advertisers and Publishers on MSN Audience Network?


Get A Sneak Peek Into MSN Audience Network's Traffic

Picture of Dan Smith
Dan Smith


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Microsoft Audience Ad Network, which is powered by Microsoft audience intelligence and artificial intelligence, reaches hundreds of millions of unique monthly users in US alone. Ad placement is primarily across msn.com and additionally on outlook.com and several other smaller partner sites. Ad format is akin to standard native ad format which can blend easily with the content on msn.com and therefore outperform standard display/banner advertising.

Unlike most other native ad networks, Microsoft's audience intelligence consists of robust data sets which includes search and web activity on bing.com, Linkedin professional profiles coupled with demographic data. An advertiser is able to accurately target audience based on customer intent (remarketing, in-market audience, custom audience, product audience), customer profile (Linkedin profile, age, gender), geographic location and device being used.

Microsoft Audience Network (MSN) Traffic Analytics

Presented below are some important statistics from MSN's audience network reach. As you can see from the monthly volume charts, the network offers significantly higher amount of traffic compared to all other native ad networks with the exception of Google.

The global reach pie chart clearly shows that the traffic is truly global with maximum amount of traffic from the United States as one would expect. However, an advertiser can expect pretty decent traffic volume from most countries in South America, Europe and Asia. They are a truly global company in terms of their reach.

The doughnut chart shows the traffic distribution between desktop and is equally split between Desktop PCs and Mobile Devices. This is because of tight integration with Windows operating system which affords mostly desktop PC traffic.

Microsoft Audience Network Advertisers and Publishers

In terms of publishers, more than 90% of the traffic comes from msn.com as mentioned earlier. The msn.com web property is consistently ranked amongst top 30 web properties in terms of total visitors. Therefore, traffic volume will not be an issue for most advertisers despite majority of ads being served from a single web property.

MSN is primarily a news site with sections devoted to politics, entertainment, sports, finance, lifestyle etc. Considering this, advertisers focused on content marketing usually thrive on this ad network. In addition, you will find advertisers promoting gaming, health and beauty products, financial products, physical products and mobile apps.

Here are the top advertisers and publishers for Microsoft Audience Network:

Top MSN Audience Network Publishers

Publisher Name Category Traffic
MSN (msn.com) News/Entertainment/Sports 90%+
Outlook.com E-mail 5%

Top MSN Audience Network Advertisers

Advertiser Name Category Traffic
amazon.co.jp E-commerce 0.76%
Rakuten.co.jp E-commerce 0.64%
amazon.com E-commerce 0.54%
walmart.com E-commerce 0.43%
hellomagazine.com News & Media 0.21%
bunte.de New & Media 0.18%
thewalletguru.com Finance 0.18%

Microsoft Audience Network CPC Bids and Tech Spcifications

The minimum cpc bids on Microsoft Audience Network is at $0.1 However, you will not be able to get much traffic at these rates especially from US. Expect the bids to be in $0.3 to $0.5 per click depending on your target.

Following are Native Ad Technical Specifications:

Ad components File Type Dimensions Max File Size
Backup ImageGIF or JPEG300x250
150 KB
150 KB
200 KB
Initial File DownloadHTML5300x250
150 KB
150 KB
200 KB
Secondary (Polite) File DownloadHTML5300x250
300 KB
300 KB
400 KB
User-initiated File DownloadHTML5300x250, 300x600,
1.5 MB
Host Initiated VideoMP415 Seconds Max1.1 MB
User Initiated VideoMP430 Seconds MaxProgressive: 2.2 MB
Streaming: No Limit


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