🚧 Who are Top Advertisers and Publishers on PowerInbox? Who are Top Advertisers and Publishers on PowerInbox?


Get A Sneak Peek Into PowerInbox's Traffic

Picture of Dan Smith
Dan Smith


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Powerinbox initially started in 2010 as an email monetization company. In recent years, they have extended the same technology to serve native ads and push ads using their proprietary platform. To date, the company has received 4 rounds of funding totaling $18.4 million according to crunchbase. The company has roughly 10+ employees.

PowerInbox Traffic Analytics

Presented below are some important statistics for Powerinbox native traffic. As you can see from the monthly volume charts, the network offers relatively small traffic volume when compared with likes of Outbrain, Taboola, MGID, Revcontent etc.The reason being that the traffic is primarily coming from US based conservative news and media sites which has limited reach. The upside is that you get a highly targeted traffic with very well known demographics and interests.

The global reach pie chart clearly shows that the traffic is mainly from the United States. Traffic from other countries is minuscule compared to US traffic.

The doughnut chart shows the traffic distribution between desktop and mobile devices and as expected three quarter of traffic is generated via mobile devices. This is a trend with most major native ad networks as mobile devices have clearly taken over desktop based PCs.

Powerinbox Advertisers and Publishers

As alluded to earlier, significant number of Powerinbox publishers are right wing news outlets. As an advertiser, you have a unique opportunity to target this demographic without doing any significant campaign optimization.

In addition, you can target by geo, device and specific publishers as well.

Considering the nature of the publishers, advertisers focused on products that appeal to conservative audience typically will do really well on this ad network. Also remember that huge majority of the audience is US based and if you are seeking audience from any other country besides the US, this network is not for you.

Here are the top advertisers and publishers on Powerinbox:

Top PowerInbox Publishers

Publisher Name Category Traffic
thegatewaypundit.com News & Media 35%
teaparty.org News & Media 12%
theamericanmirror.com News & Media 9%
dailysovereign.com News & Media 8%
trendingviews.co News & Media 3%

Top PowerInbox Advertisers

Advertiser Name Category Traffic
pro.banyanhill.com Finance 70%
wealthwatch.info Finance 15%
pro.lifetime-income-report.com Finance 10%
worldhealthlabs.com Health 4%
lifedailyhealth.com Health 2%

Powerinbox CPC bids

The minimum cpc bids on Powerinbox is at $0.1 However, expect the bids to be in $0.1 to $0.5 per click to receive significant number of impressions.

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