🚧 Navigating Nutra in Native Advertising Navigating Nutra in Native Advertising


Tips and Tricks to Promoting Health and Wellness Offers Using Native Ads

Picture of Jairene Cruz
Jairene Cruz


Are You Spying on Your Competitors' Native Ad Campaigns?

Our spy tools monitor millions of native ads from over 60+ countries and thousands of publishers.

It is no secret that the Nutra niche is a lucrative one, if you know what you’re doing. There is no shortage of people who purchase health and wellness products online; you just need to know where to look and how to attract these people. So if you want to work on this niche, here are some tips to help you succeed.

1. Choose the Right Geo for the Right Offer

Not all offers work the same way in a specific country. Some might work with one, but can be ineffective with another.

The highest paying Nutra offers are in Tier 1 countries. However, many affiliates have run health, beauty, and wellness offers in these countries that getting conversions are no longer as easy as it used to be.

If you are promoting diet products such as Keto, Garcinia Cambogia, Raspberry Ketones and similar diet pills, the best countries to focus on are:

  • Taiwan
  • Romania
  • Czech Republic
  • Slovakia

If you are promoting hearing aids and eye drops, the best countries to target are:

  • France
  • Czech Republic
  • Romania
  • Poland
  • Germany

2. Use the Native Language of your Target Country

Although it’s always easier to write everything in English, it is not the best converting language to use. Users engage more with ads that are in their native language.

For more details, follow the country-focus guide we created on how this can be done.

But what if you don’t speak the language? Do you have to study it first? There’s no need. Just follow this next step.

3. Use Tried and Tested Creatives

How exactly can you run tried and tested ads if you don’t have prior experience? Simple: use Anstrex. In our dashboard, you’ll be able to filter the native ads based on your offer and country. You will immediately be presented with tens, hundreds or even thousands of ad results. These will not only give you an idea of what you can do, but you can even use the exact creatives for your own ads!

There won’t be any need for you to translate to the native language as well since the best ads will already be in the country’s language. The original ad creator has done the researching and translation himself; you just need to copy. It’s like it’s all done for you!

Our ad results also show the landing pages. To make everything easy for you, it’s also possible to rip the landing page, strip it of any links on the page so you can add your own, and then download it to your computer. If you connect your hosting or AWS account to your Anstrex account, you can even deploy the landing page for immediate use.

In order to find ad creatives and landing pages that work, you can adjust the slider for the Days Active, Ad Strength and Gravity.

Based on experience and what we see in the spy tool, we can conclude that the best converting landing pages are those that include real-life stories of people.

While it’s true that testing ad creatives and landing pages are still necessary, if you know what to do, you won’t have to start from scratch. Plus, you won’t need to spend as much.

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